Women’s Museum Takes a Chilling Turn

DATED: 10.09.15

According to BuzzFeed, Mark Palmer-Edgecumbe’s plans to shape a museum based on the social history of women, took a drastic (and rather chilling turn) after it was discovered that East End’s own Jack the Ripper will be the topic of discussion.

In October 2014, this diversity adviser’s concepts for a museum exploring the achievements of women throughout history were approved, only for the idea to later be scrapped and changed completely.

Palmer-Edgecumbe commented on this, claiming that a museum centred on the Ripper’s victims would be “a more interesting angle”. He went on to say, “We did plan to do a museum about the social history of women, but as the project developed, we decided a more interesting angle was from the perspective of the victims of Jack the Ripper.”

“It is absolutely not celebrating the crime of Jack the Ripper, but looking at why and how the women got into that situation in the first place.”

In the original proposal, pictures of the suffragettes were used, and Palmer-Edgecumbe wanted to celebrate “the achievements of the women of the East End”.

On top of this, BuzzFeed cited that “the museum also promised to share the stories of women workers in factories and sweatshops.”

Now, the focus of the museum will be on the Ripper case, something the East End is notorious for, with Jack the Ripper tours, like ours, revealing this location’s dark history. Feel free to browse our site for more information on the case, before joining us for a frightfully good night exploring the murder sites of Jack the Ripper.


 7 Days a Week

AT 5:00PM & 7:30PM

Tour Duration

1 hr 45 mins


The Jack the Ripper Casebook